Monday, February 16, 2015


BRICS refers to a coalition of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) that has a goal to create a new economic power strategy. Right now, these five countries make up one-fourth of the world's land mass and 43 % of the world's population. They also generate nearly one-fourth of the world's income. Four of the five now have the fastest growing economies as they seek to influence the global stage. I believe their ultimate goal is to replace the American dollar as the world's global currency. After all,  it is becoming more apparent that America's out of control debt and eventual inability to repay that debt (even by taxing the wealthy 1% at 100%) it will be impossible to pay. This economic strategy will become the future undoing of our great nations economy. We are the first generation  to steal the future money from our children and grandchildren. Not borrow, because we can not pay it back, no, we are stealing. If we don't stop this avalanche, we will fall as a great nation. The world (other nations) will not be sympathetic to our fall. They will crush us and celebrate our destruction. We are watching the very unfolding of Bible prophecy as we live our lives out these last days. Do not stand idle, tell someone about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus today, because tomorrow may be too late.

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