Saturday, January 31, 2015


"I pray in faith, not knowing what God will do, but knowing what God can do."

--Russel Howard



When you were born, God said "yes." Yes to all that you are and to all that you can be by His grace, His mercy and His Love. He loved you at the very moment without condition or reservation. There is nothing you can do to earn that love, and nothing you fail to do will lesson that love. 2015 is a new opportunity to discover more of the height, the breadth, the length and the depth of that incredible love. 


Modern Day Paul

What we need in America today is a "Modern Day Paul

" What do I mean by that? Well, we all know Paul from his New Testament writings where he boldly proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact no person apart from Jesus himself, shaped the history of Christianity like the apostle Paul. You see, Paul was never afraid to face an issue head on and deal with it. Today there are issues all around us and many of today's Christians would rather be like a chameleon than a Paul. That is right, most choose to just blend in with what the world throws at us. Some call this being politically correct. I have a feeling Paul would have called it being "captive." 

Most Christians have decided that it is easier to blend in with the masses. Accept a watered down version of the gospel. Jesus is for love, he wouldn't want us to defend traditional marriage between a man and a woman. He loves everyone the same, He would never discourage homosexuality.  He would want a woman to make up her own mind about whether or not to give berth to a baby, abortion should be a choice. All religions are equal and the same, there are more ways than one to get to heaven. WHAT!?!?! Are you kidding me? The truth is like is not always popular, but what is popular is not always the truth. In fact today, what the world tries to pass off as the truth is almost certain to be a lie. If you really want the truth there is one source that has stood the test of time. The Bible! Gods Holy word. The same yesterday, today and forever. As for me, I will always turn to what I know to be the truth.

True believers are new creations, born from above and changed from within. With values and lifestyles that confront the world and clash with today's morals. The fact is, true believers do not blend in very well. So are you a chameleon?  Or are you a follower of the one true God. Will you stand with me to spread the Good News? You see, real freedom does not come until we no longer have to prove our freedom. We must not back down or just settle on blending in with the world. What America needs is Revival. Real Revival. One that includes the Holy Spirit. Until we as Americans Seek God with all our hearts, minds and souls. Until we as Americans pray for forgiveness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And, until we as Americans repent, turn and run from what the world tries to stuff down our throats as "politically correct." America will continue to fall away. 

The end is near friends. I only say these things because I love you. Jesus loves you, but the time is near. If you want to be a "Modern Day Paul" let me know. If you want to be a chameleon Christian then I hope I can change your mind. Stick around, God willing, I will be back soon.